LPG In Nigeria
NLPGA Conference and Exhibition!
Sharing Ideas and Updates on LPG in Nigeria and related information to enable effective collaboration within the LPG Value Chain

Stay Informed: Help Us Track LPG Prices Across Nigeria!

Stay Informed: Help Us Track LPG Prices Across Nigeria!
Stay Informed: Help Us Track LPG Prices Across Nigeria!

Hello Dear Readers,


I am Bukola, LPG in Nigeria resident blogger. Many of you are familiar with my blog posts and bombard me on a daily basis for retail prices of LPG across Nigeria.


At LPG in Nigeria, it is our job to keep you abreast of all things pertaining to LPG in the country but to do so you have to help us TOO.


As soon as the group opens and before any influx of comment, please make sure to put in your business name, location or state and most importantly the price you are buying or selling gas per KG!!!


The aim of this is for us to bring to you a detailed price list of LPG in the country, help you know your competitors and have a place on the website where you can view daily selling or buying prices.


So at all times, give us the price of gas, the location and let us know if you are a retailer, depot or even a consumer. 



Thank You. 

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Oluwabukola Jimoh

Oluwabukola Jimoh

Oluwabukola Jimoh is a dynamic academic writer and captivating energy blogger. She is able to delve into intricate subjects with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, crafting thought-provoking essays that engage and enlighten her readers.  

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