LPG In Nigeria
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Sharing Ideas and Updates on LPG in Nigeria and related information to enable effective collaboration within the LPG Value Chain

About LPG In Nigeria

LPG in Nigeria is a social enterprise that started in 2011 to grow the Nigerian LPG industry through advocacy, provision of LPG related information, LPG industry information via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Our strategy fosters the creation of a level playing field for LPG companies in Nigeria by allowing each company access to other players in the industry across the value chain for effective collaboration.
Our audience include LPG professionals like Engineers, LPG Traders, LPG Equipment providers and Owners of LPG Businesses. LPG in Nigeria is committed to growing the Nigerian LPG industry. We believe LPG is a safe, healthy, environmental friendly and affordable fuel. We are a Social Enterprise, championing the use of LPG in Nigeria for its Economical, Health and Environmental benefits to the citizens.

About LPG In Nigeria
LPG Charter of Benefit

LPG Charter of Benefit

The Six major global benefits of using LPG have been described in the LPG Charter of Benefits, published by the largest association in the industry, the World LPG Association. Each benefit is supported by a series of proof points which highlight the specific characteristics of LPG that make this type of gas so important in domestic, industrial and transport applications.
Members of the Association were warmly invited to promote these benefits. Indeed, the document is just the first phase of the 2017 Communication Plan (Phase I), which is part of the WLPGA’s three-year strategic plan.
The goal of the WLPGA is to promote greater and greater use of LPG worldwide—from this point of view, communication is crucial. As a WLPGA member, "LPG In Nigeria" has been asked to promote the content of the “Charter of Benefits” both in-house and with its customers.

1. HEALTH - LPG is a clean fuel which can be safely used in all kinds of cooking.
Unlike other fuels, it does not produce harmful smoke, and it can help reduce air pollution in the here and now.
2. CLIMATE - The use of LPG produces less CO2 emissions than coal, oil and gasoline. It does not emit black carbon or other particulates, which are extremely harmful to the environment.
3. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SOCIAL PROGRESS - LPG is a driver of economic growth, especially in rural areas and developing countries.
4. RESOURCE EFFICIENT - Most of the LPG on the market is a co-product of natural gas and oil extraction and thus obtained through efficient procedures. LPG also plays an important role in reducing deforestation and desertification.
5. EFFICIENCY - One billion people and businesses around the world count on LPG because it provides instant, reliable, constant energy that is easily transportable as well.
6. ENERGY FUTURE - LPG is a key component of achieving sustainable energy.
LPG is in the future of both cities and rural areas, especially in developing countries.

Our Objectives

  • To reach 20 million new users and assist in providing 5kg cylinders equipped with burners free of charge to aid the switch to LPG (Cooking Gas) in Nigeria.

  • To aid LPG players along the value chain function more effectively as they collaborate on the platform.

  • To disseminate factual news to the industry in conjunction with Regulatory Authorities, Governments and organized private sector.

  • To provide business intelligence services for businesses in the LPG sector.
  • To assist in the increase of LPG usage in Nigeria and West Africa at large by promoting its diverse applications.