Why NMDPRA may not approve your proposed location
- Post By Paul Toyo
- 8 months ago
There are so many proponents who applied for License To Establish(LTE) formerly known as Site Suitability Approval(SSA) but did not get the approval from NMDPRA for one reason or the other. These reasons vary but that would not be our only focus as we shall also look into how we can work around some of these reasons.
Please follow this link if you would like someone to help you with licensing for your LPG Plant: https://lpginnigeria.com/products/show/lpg-plants-approvals-and-documentations61
One of the reasons which leads to approval not being granted may be the issue of the documents submitted. They may not meet up with the requirement or maybe out of date. This is the easiest reason to overcome as it may not have anything to do with the land or proposed site.
Another reason NMDPRA may deny you approval is the size of the land. When it comes to siting LPG plants, there are certain prescribed safety distances which are sacrosanct to NMDPRA. These safety distances depend on the size of storage one is proposing for the said plant. For storage tanks of 10 tons and below, it is expected that tank is at least 7.5 meters from the nearest fence or building or plant component but at least 30 meters from the nearest building in the area. If you cannot meet up with this requirement, you either get more land if its available or put up a firewall. A firewall is a safety wall that is supposed to suppress any accident and putting it in place reduces the required safety distance. Another way to work around this issue is to settle for an underground tank installation. This will work in an area where not much safety distance can be acquired.
Thirdly you may be denied approval if you already constructed before applying for approval or in the process of approval, you did not wait but decided to go ahead and construct and probably install your tank and pumps. The way out of this is to pay the fine that will be imposed on you as a penalty before your approval will now be looked into and granted.
Approvals can also be denied if there are hospitals or churches in the vicinity of the proposed site. Other issues that could arise is if high tension cables pass through area or one can find Telcoms mast around. For this particular reason especially when NMDPRA is adamant, the way out is just to get another land. That way, everyone is spared the pains of a future incident.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to ask questions or seek clarifications on the above. I can be reached via (WhatsApp) 08032297157.